Both Sides Now

Experience changes your life. It changes how you see things, how you perceive the world and your future expectations. With experience, you may look at life, in the words of Joni Mitchell, from Both Sides Now. On this episode, I’m bringing you stories from three trans folks about seeing different sides of their own personal life events.

Story Tellers:
JB Fuoco [“Seeing Both Sides (and the Middle Too)”]
Julian [“It’s Hard to Understand, I Know”]
Kris McElroy [“Fears and Joys”]

JB Fuoco [“Seeing Both Sides (and the Middle Too)”] is a Latinx, queer, transgender business analyst and native Southerner. He …

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Family Matters

Each of these segments will feature a story about events involving a family member or members. I have some amazing stories for you today, about pain, about joy, and hopefully you’ll laugh a bit along the way as well.

Story Tellers:
Eli Strong [“Expectations”]
Julian [“Black and Blue”]
Ari Agha [“Aunt Miriam”]

Julian [“Black and Blue”] is a 30 something year old black trans man navigating life as a mental health professional in Washington, DC on a non-profit salary. When he’s not working, he enjoys learning about ways to be a better therapist, playing and listening to music and long

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About Face

The stories in this episode showcase a few of the ways in which we present ourselves to the world around us and how those performances and presentations affect our lives moving forward. Is the face that we show to the world the same one we see in the mirror? How do we view society and how are we viewed in it? And will these experiences change the trajectory of our future and how we move through our daily lives? Welcome…to The Strong Stance Stories.

Story Tellers:
Eli Strong [“Strangers”]
Tracee McDaniel [“1996: The Year That Transformed My Life”]
Melvin Whitehead

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