With the recent House passing of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the state of queer public health is even more unsure and in danger. Part of what AHCA does, and what has caused the loudest outrage, is make it more difficult for folks with pre-existing conditions to get and keep adequate and affordable health insurance, and by extension, health*care*. A few items that have been listed as pre-existing conditions by the Kaiser Family Foundation include AIDS, HIV, “sexual deviation or disorder”, and transexualism. Obviously these particular ones disproportionately affect the queer and trans communities, in addition to all the normal health concerns that anyone else has.
On this episode I am joined by two special guests to discuss queer public health and their new podcast, aptly named ‘The Queer Public Health Podcast’: Tiffany Mott-Smith and Kris Oseth.
Website: https://www.whitman-walker.org/our-mission-values/wwh-newsroom/queer-public-health
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QueerPublicHealth
Twitter: @qph_podcast
Tiffany Mott-Smith: https://www.facebook.com/TiffanyQPH
Kris Oseth: http://krisoseth.com
Pre-existing Conditions: